FSC Application Form

Have you been FSC/PEFC certified earlier.
Registered name of the company / Name as per incorporation document
Name under which the company trades, could be a brand name or same as above.
Language under which regular business is carried out, documents are maintained.
Address of Unit/ Factory / Office
Please provide the type of company Proprietorship/ Partnership/ LLP/ LLC/ Trading/ FZC
Applicable only to Multisite & Group Certification, others select NA. Admin Office & separate Manufacturing Unit qualifies as Single Site.
Including full-time, part-time and seasonal staff.
Provide the name of raw material used, including wood species if made of wood.
Provide the names of the products produced.
Give details of proposed or actual sources. Include supplier name & COC code/s.
Give details of proposed or actual sources. Include district & country of forest of origin.
Is the material pre-consumer or post-consumer waste? Give details of proposed or actual sources. Include supplier name and location.
Transfer, Credit (i.e. % bought = % sold) or Percentage System. If no mixing or manufacturing is taking place, the system is likely to be Transfer.
Brief description of processes covering basic elements of purchasing, processing, manufacture, labelling, storage and transport to point at which product is sold
Description of production control and records e.g. Work order, stock list, etc.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must submit a copy of your Chain of Custody Procedures Manual prior to audit, to the Woodmark auditor, while at application stage.
How are outputs delivered? Are invoices issued from the main office? How do they link with delivered goods?
Include turnover for central office and all sites included in scope of certificates. Include year end date.
In Millions USD
Information on size of company is necessary to calculate the FSC Annual Accreditation Fee (AAF)
Please give any local information that will help in planning site audits. E.g. Nearest airport, major road, train station, # hours travel between sites etc. Not needed for UK sites.