Proposed forestry contractor certification open for public consultation

Proposed forestry contractor certification open for public consultation

FSC is working alongside the Forestry Contractors International Working Group to explore new ways to develop smallholder certification. As a result, the working group has now launched a public consultation, where participants are asked to review a proposal for FSC forestry contractor certification. The consultation is open until 7 January 2019.

The working group reviewed current FSC certification processes for smallholders and assessed the role forestry contractors play in forest management operations in various countries. The working group also studied how contractors contributed to ensure forest activities complied with the requirements of each applicable FSC standard. Smallholders often rely on their support to implement forest management activities. Thus, the work of the contractors usually results in the compliance of these activities with the FSC standard.

The proposal is the outcome of this in-depth analysis. Its main objective is to provide FSC with guidance on how forestry contractors could be included in the FSC system. This measure would help develop a more streamlined certification process for smallholders. It would also be a way to recognize and regulate the role that contractors have in the FSC certification process. Read more…

Source: FSC International, Tuesday, 18 December 2018