FSC’s Ecosystem Services Procedure is being revised: Join as technical working group member
FSC-PRO-30-006 Ecosystem Services Procedure: Impact Demonstration and Market Tools supports users to demonstrate positive impacts on ecosystem services contributing to climate change mitigation and provides users with improved access to ecosystem services markets. Apply to help drive the revision process and join a diverse set of stakeholders to improve the next version of the procedure!
This revision process is scheduled to take place from July 2022 to February 2024. Technical working group members are tasked with providing input so that:
- It is streamlined;
- It is more comprehensive, with increased clarity and simplicity;
- It provides mechanisms to lower costs, especially for community and family forests, as well as more accessible;
- It considers new technologies available and remote audit options to make validation easier;
- And more!
Those with experience with the FSC system, carbon and biodiversity markets in the forest sector and with a focus on market development and engagement are especially encouraged to apply. We are looking for a group with a diverse mix of views and opinions, gender identity, regional origins, disability or age. To see the full scope of the revision and list of desired qualifications, please review the Terms of Reference below.
Protecting the world’s forests requires a comprehensive look at the ecosystem services forests provide, and we are looking forward to inviting our technical working group to embark on this revision process to demonstrate that these ecosystem services provide social, economic and environmental benefit.