The technical working group to revise FSC’s Ecosystem Services Procedure has been established
We are excited to announce the establishment of the technical working group to revise FSC’s Ecosystem Services Procedure and the opening of the consultative forum for interested stakeholders.
FSC-PRO-30-006 Ecosystem Services Procedure: Impact Demonstration and Market Tools supports users to demonstrate positive impacts on ecosystem services contributing to climate change mitigation and provides users with improved access to ecosystem services markets. This procedure is now being revised and the revision process has begun with the establishment of a new technical working group (TWG).
The TWG consists of three interest-balanced members, representing economic, environmental, and social interests, and three technical experts. The members of the technical working group are:
- Wesley Snell, ETIFOR (Economic)
- Jens Kanstrup, Forest of the World (Environmental)
- Alan Smith, Individual (Social)
- Sriskandh Subramanian, The Gold Standard Foundation (technical expert)
- Ana Vaz, NBI – Natural Business Intelligence & CIBIO – Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources of the University of Porto (technical expert)
- Rachele Perazzolo, FSC Italy (technical expert)
The first meeting of the new technical working group will be held in July 2022.
Those interested in closely following this revision process can now register with the consultative forum. FSC will share regular updates on the revision process with the consultative forum and may consult its members on specific questions outside of the regular public consultations. To register with the consultative forum just fill in the registration form and read the privacy statement on the process page.
In addition, the terms of reference have been updated to include which tasks is seeking consensus and sign off from the TWG; and topics for which input from the TWG is sought, but no consensus or sign off is needed. You will find the terms of reference of the TWG and updates on the revision process on the process page.