Apply today for working group on FSC’s general accreditation standard
Application timeline for expert working group for the revision of FSC general accreditation standard is extended.
FSC is revising the general accreditation standard FSC-STD-20-001 V4-0 General Requirements for FSC Accredited Certification Bodies. The standard ensures that FSC certifications are managed in a competent, consistent, impartial, transparent, rigorous, reliable and credible manner. The standard will be revised together with two related procedures FSC-PRO-20-003 Transfer of FSC Certificates and License Agreements and FSC-PRO-20-004 General Requirements for FSC Training Programme. Please access the process page here to learn more about this joint revision.
The new deadline to apply for the working group is 31 May 2023.
FSC is now establishing an expert working group for the revision for this revision process. This call for candidates is for the revision of FSC-STD-20-001; however the expert working group will be asked provide feedback on the two related procedures as well. Please review the terms of reference for process specific task and responsibilities of expert working group for both regular and accelerated processes under this joint revision, as well as Section 2.3 for the selection criteria.
Individuals with following expertise should apply:
- Knowledge and/or experience in implementation of FSC accreditation requirements
- Knowledge and experience in implementation of ISO 17065 and related ISO requirements for accreditation, certification and certificate transfer
- Knowledge of accreditation-related EU regulations and related national accreditation body requirements
- Knowledge and/or experience in implementation of accreditation requirements of ISEAL members
- Experience as an auditor for FSC and/or for other sustainability schemes and experience of conducting social audits
How to apply
Candidates are invited to fill in the application form and send it with their CV to [email protected]. Please enter the following in subject line [Application_WG_FSC-STD-20-001]. The deadline to submit your application is 15 May 2023. By applying you agree to the Privacy Statement.