Advice Note related to conversion is published
This advice note regulates how changes to FSC Principles and Criteria and International Generic Indicators affect certificate holders until the relevant requirements have been incorporated into the relevant Forest Stewardship Standard (FSS).
At the 9th FSC General Assembly in October 2022, Motion 37/2021 Required changes to the FSC Principles and Criteria to implement the Policy to Address Conversion was passed by the membership. This motion contained key changes to Criteria 6.9 and 6.10, and a new Criterion 6.11 of FSC Principles and Criteria. Changes include a new cut-off date of 31 December 2020 and the possibility to certify land converted between 1 December 1994 and this date, if remedy for social and environmental harms caused by the conversion is provided.
The updated version of FSC Principles and Criteria (P&C) was published on 15 March 2023, and the corresponding International Generic Indicators on 15 April 2023.
This advice note regulates how Criteria 6.9, 6.10 and the new Criterion 6.11 in FSC Principles and Criteria will supersede the corresponding criteria laid out in the existing FSS. Forest management certificate holders and applicants for certification will need to conform with this advice note from 1 July 2023.
Forest Stewardship Standards will be revised to reflect these changes following regular cycles according to Advice Note on Incorporation of new or revised International Generic Indicators introduced in future versions of FSC-STD-60-004 into National Standard (National Forest Stewardship Standards and Interim National Standards).